It is important to execute all the golf swing sequences correctly for a perfect golf swing. These sequences
can be divided into seven sections such as the address, takeaway, top of the
back swing, transition, downswing, wrist hinge, feet, impact, and
follow-through. Putting all these together requires thorough practice. However,
if you can capture and analyze your sequences, it will be easier to correct the
mistakes and improve much better. Swing Profile brings you an incredible
opportunity for this with the facility to create sequences. This hands-free,
iOS golf app serves as a training aid for both professionals and beginners.
Let's take a look at its main features.
Your Sequences
Using your iPhone or iPad, you can create your swing
sequences with simple steps. Point the camera correctly at your swing. The
advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) with Swing Profile detects the swing
automatically, generate the sequences instantly and record them for playback
later. You can either share the generated sequences or compare them with others
to sharpen your golf skills.
Sequences from TV
If you wish to learn and emulate renowned techniques
from any professional golf player, Swing Profile provides an amazing facility
to create sequences from TV. All you must need is an iPhone or iPad and just
point the camera on either TV or monitor. The golf swing sequences will be generated very much quickly and you can
start learning the specific professional technique.
The other features Swing Profile provide are:
Auto Replay:-You can play the recorded sequences in slow motion
so that it is possible to refine the technique over each golf swing.
Draws Swing Plane:-The app draws a swing plane automatically which lets
you adjust the club position according to the plane.
Synchronized Comparison:-In the comparison option with the app, the
comparison between your swing and professional swing is automatically
synchronized and displayed which helps to analyze easier and faster.
The AI with the Swing Profile is unique in the
market while the patent for this technology is pending. Swing Profile is also
an award-winning app that can make you golf swing sequences on par with the professionals.